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Number of items: 158.

Zupan, Hana and Keller, Bettina G. (2025) Toward Grid-Based Models for Molecular Association. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation .

Ghysbrecht, Simon and Donati, Luca and Keller, Bettina G. (2024) Accuracy of Reaction Coordinate Based Rate Theories for Modelling Chemical Reactions: Insights From the Thermal Isomerization in Retinal. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 46 (1).

Schebek, Maximilian and Invernizzi, Michele and Noé, Frank and Rogal, Jutta (2024) Efficient Mapping of Phase Diagrams with Conditional Boltzmann Generators. Preprint arXiv . (Unpublished)

Keller, Bettina G. and Bolhuis, Peter G. (2024) Dynamical Reweighting for Biased Rare Event Simulations. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 75 (1). pp. 137-162.

Ghysbrecht, Simon and Keller, Bettina G. (2024) Thermal isomerization rates in retinal analogues using Ab-Initio molecular dynamics. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 45 (16). pp. 1317-1427.

Wu, Hao and Noé, Frank (2024) Reaction coordinate flows for model reduction of molecular kinetics. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160 (4).

Charron, Nicholas E. and Musil, Felix and Guljas, Andrea and Chen, Yaoyi and Bonneau, Klara and Pasos-Trejo, Aldo S. and Venturin, Jacopo and Gusew, Daria and Zaporozhets, Iryna and Krämer, Andreas and Templeton, Clark and Kelkar, Atharva and Durumeric, Alexander E.P. and Olsson, Simon and Pérez, Adrià and Majewski, Maciej and Husic, Brooke E. and Patel, Ankit and Fabritiis, Gianni De and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia (2023) Navigating protein landscapes with a machine-learned transferable coarse-grained model. Preprint . (Unpublished)

Arts, Marloes and Garcia Sattorras, Victor and Huang, Chin-Wei and Zuegner, Daniel and Federici, Marco and Clementi, Cecilia and Noé, Frank and Pinsler, Robert and van den Berg, Rianne (2023) Two for One: Diffusion Models and Force Fields for Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics. JCTC - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 19 . pp. 6151-6159.

Majewski, Maciej and Pérez, Adrià and Thölke, Philipp and Doerr, Stefan and Charron, Nicholas E. and Giorgino, Toni and Husic, Brooke E. and Clementi, Cecilia and Noé, Frank and De Fabritiis, Gianni (2023) Machine Learning Coarse-Grained Potentials of Protein Thermodynamics. Nature Communications, 14 .

Maity, Priyanka and Bittracher, Andreas and Koltai, Péter and Schumacher, Jörg (2023) Collective variables between large-scale states in turbulent convection. Physical Review Research, 5 (3).

Krämer, Andreas and Durumeric, Alexander E.P. and Charron, Nicholas E. and Chen, Yaoyi and Clementi, Cecilia and Noé, Frank (2023) Statistically Optimal Force Aggregation for Coarse-Graining Molecular Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 14 . pp. 3970-3979.

Durumeric, Alexander E.P. and Charron, Nicholas E. and Templeton, Clark and Musil, Félix and Bonneau, Klara and Pasos-Trejo, Aldo S. and Chen, Yaoyi and Kelkar, Atharva and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia (2023) Machine learned coarse-grained protein force-fields: Are we there yet? Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 79 .

Köhler, Jonas and Chen, Yaoyi and Krämer, Andreas and Clementi, Cecilia and Noé, Frank (2023) Flow-Matching: Efficient Coarse-Graining of Molecular Dynamics without Forces. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 19 (3). pp. 942-952.

Yang, Wangfei and Templeton, Clark and Rosenberger, David and Bittracher, Andreas and Nüske, Feliks and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia (2023) Slicing and Dicing: Optimal Coarse-Grained Representation to Preserve Molecular Kinetics. ACS Cent. Sci., 9 (2). pp. 186-196.

Ayaz, Cihan and Tepper, Lucas and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Markovian embedding of generalized Langevin equations with a nonlinear friction kernel and configuration-dependent mass. Turkish Journal of Physics, 46 (6). pp. 194-205.

Donati, Luca and Weber, Marcus and Keller, Bettina (2022) A review of Girsanov reweighting and of square root approximation for building molecular Markov state models. J. Math. Phys., 63 (12). pp. 1-22.

Brünig, Florian N. and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Pair-Reaction Dynamics in Water: Competition of Memory, Potential Shape, and Inertial Effects. J. Phys. Chem. B, 126 . pp. 1-10.

Trung, Minh Nguyen and Kieninger, Stefanie and Fandi, Zeinab and Qiu, Danye and Liu, Guizhen and Mehendale, Neelay K. and Saiardi, Adolfo and Jessen, Henning and Keller, Bettina and Fiedler, Dorothea (2022) Stable Isotopomers of myo-Inositol Uncover a Complex MINPP1-Dependent Inositol Phosphate Network. ACS Cent. Sci., 8 (12). pp. 1683-1694.

Musil, Félix and Zaporozhets, Iryna and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia and Kapil, Venkat (2022) Quantum dynamics using path integral coarse-graining. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157 (18).

Zendehroud, Sina and Netz, Roland R. and Kappler, Julian (2022) Linear Waves at Viscoelastic Interfaces Between Viscoelastic Media. Physical Review Fluids, 7 . pp. 1-32.

Dibak, Manuel and Klein, Leon and Krämer, Andreas and Noé, Frank (2022) Temperature steerable flows and Boltzmann generators. Physical Review Research, 4 (4).

Kieninger, Stefanie and Keller, Bettina (2022) GROMACS Stochastic Dynamics and BAOAB Are Equivalent Configurational Sampling Algorithms. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 18 (10).

Lavacchi, Laura and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Non-Arrhenius barrier crossing dynamics of non-equilibrium non-Markovian systems. Europhysics Letters, 139 (5). pp. 1-7.

Klimek, Anton and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Optimal non-Markovian composite search algorithms for spatially correlated targets. EPL A Letters Journal Exploring The Frontiers of Physics, 139 . pp. 1-8.

Mastella, G. and Corbi, Fabio and Bedford, Jonathan and Funiciello, Francesca and Rosenau, Matthias (2022) Forecasting Surface Velocity Fields Associated With Laboratory Seismic Cycles Using Deep Learning. AGU-Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (15). pp. 1-12.

Ayaz, Cihan and Scalfi, Laura and Dalton, Benjamin and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Generalized Langevin equation with a nonlinear potential of mean force and nonlinear memory friction from a hybrid projection scheme. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 105 . pp. 1-19.

Kosari, Ehsan and Rosenau, Matthias and Oncken, Onno (2022) Strain signals governed by frictional-elastoplastic interaction of the upper plate and shallow subduction megathrust interface over seismic cycles. Tectonics . pp. 1-41. ISSN 1944-9194

Brünig, Florian N. and Geburtig, Otto and von Canal, Alexander and Kappler, Julian and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Time-dependent friction effects on vibrational infrared frequencies and line shapes of liquid water. J. Phys. Chem. B, 126 . pp. 1579-1589.

Mastella, G. and Corbi, Fabio and Funiciello, Francesca and Rosenau, Matthias (2022) Foamquake: a novel analog model mimicking megathrust seismic cycles. JGR Solid Earth . pp. 1-32. (In Press)

Kosari, Ehsan and Rosenau, Matthias and Ziegenhagen, Thomas and Oncken, Onno (2022) Upper plate dynamic response to a sequential elastic rebound and slab acceleration in laboratory-scale subduction megathrust. Earth and Space Science Open Archive .

Zwaan, Frank and Schreurs, Guido and Buiter, Susanne and Ferrer, Oriol and Reitano, Riccardo and Rudolf, Michael and Willingshofer, Ernst (2022) Analogue modelling of basin inversion: a review and future perspectives. Preprint se-2022-8 Solid Earth . (Submitted)

Ayaz, Cihan and Dalton, Benjamin and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Generalized Langevin Equation with a Non-Linear Potential of Mean Force and Non-Linear Friction From a Hybrid Projection Scheme. Preprint . (Unpublished)

Eiter, Thomas and Hopf, Katharina and Mielke, Alexander (2021) Leray–Hopf solutions to a viscoelastoplastic fluid model with nonsmooth stress–strain relation. Nonlinear Analysis, 65 .

Rudolf, Michael and Rosenau, Matthias and Oncken, Onno (2021) The spectrum of slip behaviours of a granular fault gouge analogue governed by rate and state friction. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems . pp. 1-40.

Harikrishnan, A. P. and Ansorge, C. and Klein, R. and Vercauteren, N. (2021) Lagrangian hairpins in atmospheric boundary layers. Gallery of Fluid Motion .

Gräser, Carsten and Kornhuber, Ralf and Podlesny, Joscha (2021) NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF MULTISCALE FAULT SYSTEMS WITH RATE- AND STATE-DEPENDENT FRICTION. ArXiv . pp. 1-27. (Unpublished)

Bittracher, Andreas and Moschner, Johann and Koksch, Beate and Netz, Roland R. and Schütte, Christof (2021) Exploring the locking stage of NFGAILS amyloid fibrillation via transition manifold analysis. The European Physical Journal B volume, 94 (195).

Bittracher, Andreas and Mollenhauer, Mattes and Koltai, Péter and Schütte, Christof (2021) Optimal Reaction Coordinates: Variational Characterization and Sparse Computation. ArXiv . pp. 1-36. (Submitted)

Heida, Martin and Thomas, Marita (2021) GENERIC for dissipative solids with bulk-interface interaction. wias preprint . pp. 1-27. ISSN 2198-5855 (Submitted)

Ayaz, Cihan and Tepper, Lucas and Brünig, Florian N. and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. (2021) Non-Markovian modeling of protein folding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (31). pp. 1-7.

Michail, Maria and Rudolf, Michael and Rosenau, Matthias and Riva, Alberto and Gianolla, Piero and Coltorti, Massimo (2021) Shape of plutons in crustal shear zones: A tectono-magmatic guide based on analogue models. Journal of Structural Geology . p. 104417. ISSN 0191-8141

Gelß, Patrick and Klus, Stefan and Schuster, Ingmar and Schütte, Christof (2021) Feature space approximation for kernel-based supervised learning. Knowledge-Based Systems, 221 .

Niemann, Jan-Hendrik and Klus, Stefan and Schütte, Christof (2021) Data-driven model reduction of agent-based systems using the Koopman generator. PLOS ONE, 16 (5).

Hassan, Irtaza and Ferraro, Federica and Imhof, Petra (2021) Effect of the Hydration Shell on the Carbonyl Vibration in the Ala-Leu-Ala-Leu Peptide. Molecules 2021, 26 (8). pp. 1-24.

Poppe, S. and Holohan, E.P. and Rudolf, M. and Rosenau, M. and Galland, O. and Delcamp, A. and Kervyn, M. (2021) Mechanical properties of quartz sand and gypsum powder (plaster) mixtures: 25implications for laboratory model analoguesfor the Earth’s upper crust. EartharXiv . pp. 1-55.

Kieninger, S. and Keller, B. (2021) Path probability ratios for Langevin dynamics—Exact and approximate. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154 . pp. 1-21.

Sandiford, Dan and Brune, Sascha and Glerum, Anne and Naliboff, John and Whittaker, Joanne M. (2021) Kinematics of footwall exhumation at oceanic detachment faults: solid-block rotation and apparent unbending. Earth and Space Science Open Archive .

Bittracher, Andreas and Schütte, Christof (2021) A probabilistic algorithm for aggregating vastly undersampled large Markov chains. Physica D, 416 . pp. 1-19.

Netz, Roland R. and Eaton, William A. (2021) Estimating computational limits on theoretical descriptions of biological cells. PNAS, 118 . pp. 1-3. ISSN 1091-6490 (online)

Donati, Luca and Weber, Marcus and Keller, Bettina G. (2021) Markov models from the square root approximation of the Fokker–Planck equation: calculating the grid-dependent flux. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33 . pp. 1-15.

Haug, Ø. T. and Rosenau, M. and Rudolf, M. and Leever, K. (2021) Short communication: Runout of rock avalanches limited by basal friction but controlled by fragmentation. Earth Surface Dynamics, 9 (3). pp. 665-672.

Koltai, Péter and von Lindheim, Johannes and Neumayer, Sebastian and Steidl, Gabriele (2021) Transfer Operators from Optimal Transport Plans for Coherent Set Detection. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 426 . pp. 1-34.

Osagiede, Edoseghe E. and Rosenau, Matthias and Rotevatn, Atle and Gawthorpe, Robert and Jackson, Christopher A-L and Rudolf, Michael (2021) Influence of zones of pre-existing crustal weakness on strain localization and partitioning during rifting: Insights from analogue modeling using high resolution 3D digital image correlation. EarthArXiv . pp. 1-55. (Submitted)

Poppe, S. and Holohan, Eoghan P. and Rudolf, M. and Rosenau, M. and Galland, O. and Delcamp, A. and Kervyn, M. (2021) Mechanical test data of quartz sand, garnet sand, gypsum powder (plaster), kaolin and sand-plaster mixtures used as granular analogue materials in geoscience laboratory experiments. Tectonophysics, 814 . p. 228976. ISSN 0040-1951

Sechi, Renata and Sikorski, Alexander and Weber, Marcus (2021) Estimation of the Koopman Generator by Newton's Extrapolation. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 19 (2). pp. 758-774.

Bittracher, Andreas and Klus, Stefan and Hamzi, Boumediene and Koltai, Péter and Schütte, Christof (2020) Dimensionality Reduction of Complex Metastable Systems via Kernel Embeddings of Transition Manifolds. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31 (3). pp. 1-41. ISSN 1432-1467 (online)

Bittracher, Andreas and Klus, Stefan and Hamzi, Boumediene and Koltai, Péter and Schütte, Christof (2020) Dimensionality Reduction of Complex Metastable Systems via Kernel Embeddings of Transition Manifolds. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31 (3).

Funiciello, Francesca and Corbi, Fabio and Heuret, Arnauld and Piromallo, Claudia and Rosenau, Matthias (2020) Empirical Analysis of Global-Scale Natural Data and Analogue Seismotectonic Modelling Data to Unravel the Seismic Behaviour of the Subduction Megathrust. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 . pp. 1-8. ISSN 2296-6463

Harikrishnan, A. P. and Ansorge, C. and Klein, R. and Vercauteren, N. (2020) The curious nature of hairpin vortices. Gallery of Fluid Motion. In: 73th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 22, 2020 — November 24, 2020, Chicago, IL Virtual.

Mitterwallner, Bernhard G. and Lavacchi, Laura and Netz, Roland R. (2020) Negative friction memory induces persistent motion. Eur Phys J E Soft Matter, 43 (10).

Chowdhary, Suvrat and Moschner, Johann and Mikolajczak, Dorian J. and Becker, Maximilian and Thünemann, Andreas F. and Kästner, Claudia and Klemczak, Damian and Stegemann, Anne-Katrin and Böttcher, Christoph and Metrangolo, Pierangelo and Netz, Roland R. and Koksch, Beate (2020) The Impact of Halogenated Phenylalanine Derivatives on NFGAIL Amyloid Formation. ChemBioChem, 21 . pp. 3544-3554.

Lavacchi, Laura and Kappler, Julian and Netz, Roland R. (2020) Barrier crossing in the presence of multi-exponential memory functions with unequal friction amplitudes and memory times. EPL, 131 . pp. 1-8.


Bittracher, Andreas and Schütte, Christof (2020) A weak characterization of slow variables in stochastic dynamical systems. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 304 . pp. 132-150.

Kosari, Ehsan and Rosenau, Matthias and Bedford, Jonathan and Rudolf, Michael and Oncken, Onno (2020) On the relationship between offshore geodetic coverage and slip model uncertainty: Analog megathrust earthquake case studies. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 . pp. 1-15.

Straube, Arthur V. and Kowalik, Bartosz G. and Netz, Roland R. and Höfling, Felix (2020) Rapid onset of molecular friction in liquids bridging between the atomistic and hydrodynamic pictures. Communications Physics, 3 (126). pp. 1-11.

Klus, Stefan and Nüske, Felix and Hamzi, Boumediene (2020) Kernel-Based Approximation of the Koopman Generator and Schrödinger Operator. entropy, 22 .

Naliboff, J.B. and Glerum, A. and Brune, S.A. and Péron-Pinvidic, G. and Wrona, T. (2020) Development of 3-D Rift Heterogeneity Through Fault Network Evolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (13). ISSN 0094-8276; ESSN: 1944-8007

Haug, Ø. T. and Rosenau, M. and Rudolf, M. and Leever, K. and Oncken, O. (2020) Variations in runout of rock avalanches controlled by fragmentation, not basal friction. EarthArXiv . pp. 1-11.

Corbi, F. and Bedford, J. and Sandri, L. and Funiciello, F. and Gualandi, A. and Rosenau, M. (2020) Predicting Imminence of Analog Megathrust Earthquakes With Machine Learning: Implications for Monitoring Subduction Zones. Geophysical Research Letters . pp. 1-10. ISSN 1944-8007

Mitterwallner, Bernhard G. and Schreiber, Christoph and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. and Rädler, Joachim O. (2020) Non- markovian data-driven modeling of single-cell motility. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 101 . ISSN 032408

Netz, Roland R. (2020) Approach to equilibrium and nonequilibrium stationary distributions of interacting many-particle systems that are coupled to different heat baths. Phys. Rev. E, 101 . ISSN 022120

Heida, M. and Kornhuber, R. and Podlesny, J. (2020) Fractal homogenization of multiscale interface problems. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 18 (1). pp. 294-314. ISSN 1540-3459

Kieninge, Stefanie and Donati, Luca and Keller, Bettina (2020) Dynamical reweighting methods for Markov models. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 61 . pp. 124-131. ISSN 0959-440X

Banisch, R. and Trstanova, Z. and Bittracher, A. and Klus, S. and Koltai, P. (2020) Diffusion maps tailored to arbitrary non-degenerate Ito processes. Applied and computational harmonic analysis, 48 (1). pp. 242-265. ISSN 1063-5203, 1096-603X

Hartmann, C. and Neureither, L. and Sharma, U. (2020) Coarse-graining of non-reversible stochastic differential equations: quantitative results and connections to averaging. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 52 (3). pp. 2689-2733.

Hartmann, Carsten and Neureither, Lara and Sharma, Upanshu (2020) Coarse-graining of non-reversible stochasticdifferential equations: quantitative results and connections to averaging. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 52 (3). pp. 2689-2733. ISSN 0036-1429

Kaiser, A. and Faranda, D. and Krumscheid, S. and Belušić, D. and Vercauteren, N. (2020) Detecting regime transitions of the nocturnal and Polar near-surface temperature inversion. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences . ISSN 0022-4928; eISSN: 1520-0469

Klus, Stefan (2020) Data-driven analysis of complex dynamical systems. Refubium . pp. 1-174.

Klus, Stefan and Nüske, Feliks and Peitz, Sebastian and Niemann, Jan-Hendrik and Clementi, Cecilia and Schütte, Christof (2020) Data-driven approximation of the Koopman generator: Model reduction, system identification, and control. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 406 (132416).

Mielke, A. and Roubícek, T. (2020) Thermoviscoelasticity in Kelvin-Voigt rheology at large strains. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 238 . pp. 1-45.

Mollenhauer, Mattes and Schuster, Ingmar and Klus, Stefan and Schütte, Christof (2020) Singular Value Decomposition of Operators on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Advances in Dynamics, Optimization and Computation . pp. 109-131.

Klus, Stefan and Husic, Brooke E. and Mollenhauer, Mattes and Noé, Frank (2019) Kernel methods for detecting coherent structures in dynamical data. Chaos, 29 (12).

Kappler, Julian and Hinrichsen, Victor B. and Netz, Roland R. (2019) Non-Markovian barrier crossing with two-time-scale memory is dominated by the faster memory component. The European Physical Journal E, 42 (119). ISSN 1292-8941

Nüsken, N. and Reich, S. (2019) Note on Interacting Langevin Diffusions: Gradient Structure and Ensemble Kalman Sampler by Garbuno-Inigo, Hoffmann, Li and Stuart. arXive . pp. 1-6. (Submitted)

Moschner, Johann and Stulberg, Valentina and Fernandes, Rita and Huhmann, Susanne and Leppkes, Jakob and Koksch, Beate (2019) Approaches to Obtaining Fluorinated α-Amino Acids. Chem. Rev. 2019, 119 (18). pp. 10718-10801.

Klus, S. and Schuster, I. and Muandet, K. (2019) Eigendecompositions of Transfer Operators in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 30 . pp. 283-315.

Pipping, E. (2019) Existence of long-time solutions to dynamic problems of viscoelasticity with rate-and-state friction. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics . ISSN 1521-4001 (online)

Kowalik, Bartosz G. and Daldrop, Jan O. and Kappler, Julian and Schulz, J.C.F. and Schlaich, Alexander and Netz, Roland R. (2019) Memory-kernel extraction for different molecular solutes in solvents of varying viscosity in confinement. PhysRevE (100). 012126.

Neureither, L. and Hartmann, C. (2019) Time scales and exponential trends to equilibrium: Gaussian model problems. In: Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium. IHPStochDyn 2017. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 282 . Springer, pp. 391-410. ISBN 978-3-030-15095-2

Rosenau, M. and Rudolf, M. and Oncken, O. (2019) Creep on seismogenic faults: Insights from analogue earthquake experiments. SFB 1114 Preprint in EarthArXiv:10.31223/ . pp. 1-25. (Unpublished)

Wang, J. and Olsson, S. and Wehmeyer, C. and Perez, A. and Charron, N.E. and de Fabritiis, G. and Noé, F. and Clementi, C. (2019) Machine Learning of coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Force Fields. ACS Cent. Sci., 5 (5). pp. 755-767. ISSN 2374-7943, ESSN: 2374-7951

Hartmann, C. and Schütte, Ch. and Zhang, W. (2019) Jarzysnki equality, fluctuation theorems and variance reduction: Mathematical analysis and numerical algorithms. J. Stat. Phys., 175 (6). pp. 1214-1261. ISSN 0022-4715; ESSN: 1572-9613

Rosenau, M. and Horenko, I. and Corbi, F. and Rudolf, M. and Kornhuber, R. and Oncken, O. (2019) Synchronization of great subduction megathrust earthquakes: Insights from scale model analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124 (4). pp. 3646-3661. ISSN 2169-9356

Keller, B.G. and Aleksic, S. and Donati, L. (2019) Markov State Models in drug design. In: Biomolecular Simulations in Structure-based Drug Discovery. Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry, 75 . Wiley-Interscience, Weinheim, pp. 67-86. ISBN 978-3-527-34265-5

Kappler, Julian and Noé, Frank and Netz, Roland R. (2019) Cyclization and Relaxation Dynamics of Finite-Length Collapsed Self-Avoiding Polymers. Physical Review Letters, 122 .

von Larcher, T. and Klein, R. (2019) On identification of self-similar characteristics using the Tensor Train decomposition method with application to channel turbulence flow. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 33 . pp. 1-19. ISSN 0935-4964 (Print) 1432-2250 (Online)

Corbi, F. and Sandri, L. and Bedford, J. and Funiciello, F. and Brizzi, S. and Rosenau, M. and Lallemand, S. (2019) Machine Learning Can Predict the Timing and Size of Analog Earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 46 (3). pp. 1303-1311. ISSN 0094-8276; ESSN: 1944-8007

Fackeldey, K. and Koltai, P. and Névir, P. and Rust, H.W. and Schild, A and Weber, M. (2019) From Metastable to Coherent Sets – time-discretization schemes. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29 (1). 012101. ISSN 1054-1500 (print); 1089-7682 (online)

Gräser, Carsten and Sander, Oliver (2019) Truncated Nonsmooth Newton Multigrid Methods for Block-Separable Minimization Problems. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 39 (1). pp. 454-481. ISSN 0272-4979

Rudolf, M. and Rosenau, M. and Ziegenhagen, Th. and Ludwikowski, V. and Schucht, Torsten and Nagel, H. and Oncken, O. (2019) Smart Speed Imaging in Digital Image Correlation: Application to Seismotectonic Scale Modeling. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6 . p. 248.

Witek, J. and Wang, S. and Schroeder, B. and Lingwood, R. and Dounas, A. and Roth, H.-J. and Fouché, M. and Blatter, M. and Lemke, O. and Keller, B. and Riniker, S. (2019) Rationalization of the Membrane Permeability Differences in a Series of Analogue Cyclic Decapeptides. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 59 (1). pp. 294-308. ISSN 1549-9596, ESSN: 1549-960X

Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. (2019) Mass-Dependent Solvent Friction of a Hydrophobic Molecule. J. Phys. Chem. B (123). pp. 8123-8130.

Vercauteren, N. and Boyko, V. and Faranda, D. and Stiperski, I. (2019) Scale interactions and anisotropy in stable boundary layers. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society . ISSN 1477-870X

Vercauteren, N. and Boyko, V. and Kaiser, A. and Belusic, D. (2019) Statistical investigations of flow structures in different regimes of the stable boundary layer. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 172 . pp. 1-22. ISSN Print: 0006-8314; Online: 1573-1472

von Larcher, T. and Klein, R. (2019) Approximating turbulent and non-turbulent events with the Tensor Train decomposition method. In: Turbulent Cascades II. Springer. ISBN Print: 978-3-030-12546-2 Electronic: 978-3-030-12547-9

Klus, Stefan and Bittracher, Andreas and Schuster, Ingmar and Schütte, Christof (2018) A kernel-based approach to molecular conformation analysis. Journal of Chemical Physics, 149 (244109).

Bittracher, Andreas and Banisch, Ralf and Schütte, Christof (2018) Data-driven computation of molecular reaction coordinates. J. Chem. Phys., 149 (154103).

Donati, L. and Heida, M. and Weber, M. and Keller, B. (2018) Estimation of the infinitesimal generator by square-root approximation. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30 (42). p. 425201. ISSN 0953-8984, ESSN: 1361-648X

Donati, Luca and Keller, Bettina G. (2018) Girsanov reweighting for metadynamics simulations. J. Chem. Phys. 149, 149 . pp. 1-16.

Donati, L. and Keller, B. (2018) Girsanov reweighting for metadynamics simulations. Journal of Chemical Physics, 149 (7). 072335. ISSN 0021-9606

Kornhuber, R. and Youett, E. (2018) Adaptive Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Stochastic Variational Inequalities. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 56 (4). pp. 1987-2007. ISSN 0036-1429

Daldrop, J.O. and Kappler, J. and Brünig, F.N. and Netz, R.R. (2018) Butane dihedral angle dynamics in water is dominated by internal friction. PNAS, 20 (115). pp. 5169-5174. ISSN 1091-6490 (online)

Lazzaroni, Guiliano and Rossi, Riccarda and Thomas, Marita and Toader, Rodica (2018) Rate-independent damage in thermoviscoelastic materials with inertia. J Dyn Diff Equat, 30 . pp. 1311-1364.

Netz, Roland R. (2018) Fluctuation-dissipation relation and stationary distribution of an exactly solvable many-particle model for active biomatter far from equilibrium. J. Chem. Phys., 148 . ISSN 0021-9606, ESSN: 1089-7690

Hassan, I. and Donati, L. and Stensitzki, T. and Keller, B. and Heyne, K. and Imhof, P. (2018) The Vibrational Spectrum of the hydrated Alanine-Leucine Peptide in the Amide region from IR experiments and First Principles Calculation. Chem. Phys. Lett. . pp. 1-26. ISSN 0009-2614

Kappler, J. and Noé, F. and Netz, R.R. (2018) Cyclization dynamics of finite-length collapsed self-avoiding polymers. SFB 1114 Preprint 02/2018 . (Unpublished)

Koltai, P. and Wu, H. and Noé, F. and Schütte, Ch. (2018) Optimal data-driven estimation of generalized Markov state models for non-equilibrium dynamics. Computation, 6(1) (22). ISSN 2079-3197 (online)

Gerber, S. and Olsson, S. and Noé, F. and Horenko, I. (2018) A scalable approach to the computation of invariant measures for high-dimensional Markovian systems. Scientific Reports, 8 (1796). ISSN 2045-2322

Kappler, J. and Daldrop, J.O. and Brünig, F.N. and Boehle, M.D. and Netz, R.R. (2018) Memory-induced acceleration and slowdown of barrier crossing. J. Chem. Phys., 148 (1). 014903.

Stensitzki, T. and Yang, Y. and Kozich, V. and Ahmed, A.A. and Kössl, F. and Kühn, O. and Heyne, K. (2018) Acceleration of a ground-state reaction by selective femtosecond-infrared-laser-pulse excitation. Nature Chemistry, 10 . pp. 126-131.

Hoffmann, Waldemar and Folmert, Kristin and Moschner, Johann and Xing Huang, Xing Huang and von Berlepsch, Hans and Koksch, Beate and Bowers, Michael T. and von Helden, Gert and Pagel, Kevin (2018) NFGAIL Amyloid Oligomers: The Onset of Beta-Sheet Formation and the Mechanism for Fibril Formation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 244−249, 140 . pp. 244-249.

Klus, S. and Nüske, F. and Koltai, P. and Wu, H. and Kevrekidis, I. and Schütte, Ch. and Noé, F. (2018) Data-driven model reduction and transfer operator approximation. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 28 (1). pp. 1-26.

Kornhuber, R. and Peterseim, D. and Yserentant, H. (2018) An analysis of a class of variational multiscale methods based on subspace decomposition. Mathematics of Computation, 87 (314). pp. 2765-2774. ISSN 1088-6842 (online)

Daldrop, J.O. and Kowalik, B.G. and Netz, R.R. (2017) External Potential Modifies Friction of Molecular Solutes in Water. Phys. Rev. X, 7 (4). 041065.

Netz, R.R. (2017) Fluctuation-dissipation relation and stationary distribution for an exactly solvable many-particle model far from equilibrium. SFB 1114 Preprint 12/2017 . (Unpublished)

Ritter, M. and Rosenau, M. and Oncken, O. (2017) Growing Faults in the Lab: Insights into the Scale Dependence of the Fault Zone Evolution Process. Tectonics, 36 . pp. 1-32.

Rudolf, M. and Rosenau, M. and Oncken, O. (2017) Interseismic deformation transients and precursory phenomena: Insights from stick-slip experiments with a granular fault zone. SFB 1114 Preprint in EarthArXiv:10.17605/OSF.IO/6MWRX . pp. 1-26.

Polthier, L. (2017) Algebraic Multilevel Methods for Markov Chains. SFB 1114 Preprint in arXiv:1711.04332 . pp. 1-19. (Unpublished)

Ritter, M. and Santimano, T.N. and Rosenau, M. and Leever, K. and Oncken, O. (2017) Sandbox rheometry: Coevolution of stress and strain in riedel- and critical wedge-experiments. Tectonophysics, 722 . pp. 400-409.

Bittracher, A. and Koltai, P. and Klus, S. and Banisch, R. and Dellnitz, M. and Schütte, Ch. (2017) Transition manifolds of complex metastable systems: Theory and data-driven computation of effective dynamics. Journal of Nonlinear Science . pp. 1-42. ISSN 1432-1467 (online)

Manz, C. and Kobitski, A. and Samanta, A. and Keller, B.G. and Jäschke, A. and Nienhaus, G.U. (2017) Single-molecule FRET reveals the energy landscape of the full-length SAM-I riboswitch. Nat. Chem. Biol., 13 . pp. 1172-1178.

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Donati, L. and Hartmann, C. and Keller, B.G. (2017) Girsanov reweighting for path ensembles and Markov state models. Journal of Chemical Physics, 146 (24). p. 244112. ISSN 0021-9606

Gerber, S. and Horenko, I. (2017) Toward a direct and scalable identification of reduced models for categorical processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (19). pp. 4863-4868.

Kornhuber, R. and Podlesny, J. and Yserentant, H. (2017) Direct and Iterative Methods for Numerical Homogenization. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, XXIII (116). SpringerLink, pp. 217-225. ISBN 978-3-319-52389-7

Quer, J. and Donati, L. and Keller, B.G. and Weber, M. (2017) An automatic adaptive importance sampling algorithm for molecular dynamics in reaction coordinates. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. . pp. 1-19. ISSN 1064-8275 (print) (In Press)

Mielke, A. (2017) Three examples concerning the interaction of dry friction and oscillations. In: Trends on Application of Mathematics to Mechanics. Springer Proceedings of the INdAM-ISIMM Workshop, Rome, Italy, September 2016 (27). Springer INdAM series, pp. 159-177.

Klus, S. and Schütte, Ch. (2016) Towards tensor-based methods for the numerical approximation of the Perron-Frobenius and Koopman operator. Journal of Computational Dynamics . ISSN 2158-2491

Mielke, A. and Roubícek, T. (2016) Rate-Independent elastoplasticity at finite strain and its numerical approximation. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 26 (12). pp. 2203-2236. ISSN 1793-6314

Rudolf, M. and Boutelier, D. and Rosenau, M. and Schreurs, G. and Oncken, O. (2016) Rheological benchmark of silicone oils used for analog modeling of short- and long-term lithospheric deformation. Tectonophysics, 684 . pp. 12-22.

Zhang, W. and Hartmann, C. and Schütte, Ch. (2016) Effective dynamics along given reaction coordinates, and reaction rate theory. Faraday discussions, 195 . pp. 365-394. ISSN 1359-6640

Klus, S. and Koltai, P. and Schütte, Ch. (2016) On the numerical approximation of the Perron-Frobenius and Koopman operator. Journal of Computational Dynamics, 3 (1). pp. 51-79. ISSN 2158-2491

Klus, S. and Gelß, P. and Peitz, S. and Schütte, Ch. (2016) Tensor-based dynamic mode decomposition. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing . ISSN ISSN 1064-8275 (print); 1095-7197 (electronic) (Submitted)

Kornhuber, R. and Yserentant, H. (2016) Numerical Homogenization of Elliptic Multiscale Problems by Subspace Decomposition. Multiscale Model. Simul., 14 (3). pp. 1017-1036. ISSN print: 1540-3459; online: 1540-3467

Lemke, O. and Keller, B.G. (2016) Density-based cluster algorithms for the identification of core sets. Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (164104).

Pipping, E. and Kornhuber, R. and Rosenau, M. and Oncken, O. (2016) On the efficient and reliable numerical solution of rate-and-state friction problems. Geophysical Journal International, 204 (3). pp. 1858-1866. ISSN Online: 1365-246X Print: 0956-540X

Vitalini, F. and Noé, F. and Keller, B. (2016) Molecular dynamics simulations data of the twenty encoded amino acids in different force fields. Data in Brief, 7 . pp. 582-590.

Enciso, M. and Schütte, Ch. and Delle Site, L. (2015) Influence of pH and sequence in peptide aggregation via molecular simulation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (24). p. 243130. ISSN 0021-9606

Schuster, I. and Strathmann, H. and Paige, B. and Sejdinovic, Dino (2015) Kernel Sequential Monte Carlo. SFB 1114 Preprint in arXiv:1510.03105 . (Submitted)

Bittracher, Andreas and Hartmann, C. and Junge, O. and Koltai, Péter (2015) Pseudo generators for under-resolved molecular dynamics. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 224 (12). pp. 2463-2490. ISSN 1951-6355

Hartmann, C. and Delle Site, L. (2015) Scale Bridging in Molecular Simulation. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 224 (12). pp. 2173-2176. ISSN 1951-6355

Horenko, I. and Gerber, S. (2015) Improving clustering by imposing network information. Science Advances, 1 (7). ISSN 2375-2548

Kim, W.K. and Netz, R.R. (2015) The mean shape of transition and first-passage paths. J. Chem. Phys., 143 (224108).

Rinne, K.F. and Schulz, J.C.F. and Netz, R.R. (2015) Impact of secondary structure and hydration water on the dielectric spectrum of poly-alanine and possible relation to the debate on slaved versus slaving water. J. Chem. Phys., 142 (215104).

Schulz, J.C.F. and Miettinen, M.S. and Netz, R.R. (2015) Unfolding and Folding Internal Friction of β‑Hairpins Is Smaller than That of α‑Helices. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119 (13). pp. 4565-4574.

Durumeric, Aleksander E.P. and Chen, Yaoyi and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia Learning data efficient coarse-grained molecular dynamics from forces and noise. Preprint arXiv . (Unpublished)

Noé, Frank and Klein, Leon Transferable Boltzmann Generators. Preprint arXiv . (Unpublished)

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