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Number of items: 108.


Bachmayr, m: and Djurdjevac, A. (2020) Multilevel Representations of Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields on the Sphere. : . (Submitted)

Banisch, R. and Trstanova, Z. and Bittracher, A. and Klus, S. and Koltai, P. (2020) Diffusion maps tailored to arbitrary non-degenerate Ito processes. Applied and computational harmonic analysis, 48 (1). pp. 242-265. ISSN 1063-5203, 1096-603X

Becker, Simon and Richter, Lorenz (2020) Model order reduction for (stochastic-) delay equations with error bounds. arXive . pp. 1-23. (Submitted)

Beinlich, A. and John, T. and Vrijmoed, J.C. and Tominaga, M. and Podladchikov, Y.Y. (2020) Instantaneous rock transformations in the deep crust driven by reactive fluid flow. nature geoscience, 13 . pp. 307-311.

Bellingeri, C. and Djurdjevac, A. and Friz, P.K. and Tapia, N. (2020) Transport and continuity equations with (very) rough noise. . . (Submitted)

Benner, P. and Breiten, T. and Hartmann, C. and Schmidt, B. (2020) Model reduction of controlled Fokker-Planck and Liouville-von Neumann equations. J. Comp. Dyn., 7 (1). pp. 1-33.

Bittracher, Andreas and Klus, Stefan and Hamzi, Boumediene and Koltai, Péter and Schütte, Christof (2020) Dimensionality Reduction of Complex Metastable Systems via Kernel Embeddings of Transition Manifolds. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31 (3). pp. 1-41. ISSN 1432-1467 (online)

Bittracher, Andreas and Klus, Stefan and Hamzi, Boumediene and Koltai, Péter and Schütte, Christof (2020) Dimensionality Reduction of Complex Metastable Systems via Kernel Embeddings of Transition Manifolds. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31 (3).

Bittracher, Andreas and Schütte, Christof (2020) A weak characterization of slow variables in stochastic dynamical systems. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 304 . pp. 132-150.

Boyko, V. and Vercauteren, N. (2020) Multiscale Shear Forcing of Turbulence in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer: A Statistical Analysis. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 177 (2-3). ISSN Electronic: 1573-1472; Print: 0006-8314


Carlson, Shane and Brünig, Florian N. and Loche, Philip and Bonthuis, Douwe Jan and Netz, Roland R. (2020) Exploring the Absorption Spectrum of Simulated Water from MHz to Infrared. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124 (27). pp. 5599-5605. ISSN 1089-5639

Chowdhary, Suvrat and Moschner, Johann and Mikolajczak, Dorian J. and Becker, Maximilian and Thünemann, Andreas F. and Kästner, Claudia and Klemczak, Damian and Stegemann, Anne-Katrin and Böttcher, Christoph and Metrangolo, Pierangelo and Netz, Roland R. and Koksch, Beate (2020) The Impact of Halogenated Phenylalanine Derivatives on NFGAIL Amyloid Formation. ChemBioChem, 21 . pp. 3544-3554.

Church, L. and Djurdjevac, A. and Elliott, C.M. (2020) A domain mapping approach for elliptic equations posed on random bulk and surface domains. Numerische Mathematik, 146 . pp. 1-49. ISSN Electronic: 0945-3245; Print: 0029-599X

Corbi, F. and Bedford, J. and Sandri, L. and Funiciello, F. and Gualandi, A. and Rosenau, M. (2020) Predicting Imminence of Analog Megathrust Earthquakes With Machine Learning: Implications for Monitoring Subduction Zones. Geophysical Research Letters . pp. 1-10. ISSN 1944-8007


Delle Site, L. and Klein, R. (2020) Liouville-type equations for the n-particle distribution functions of an open system. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61 (8).

Delle Site, L. and Klein, R. and Höfling, F. and Viand, R. E. (2020) Theory and simulation of open systems out of equilibrium. J. Chem. Phys. (2020);, 153 (10). pp. 1-7. ISSN 101102

Delle Site, L. and Praprotnik, M. and Bell, J. B. and Klein, R. (2020) Particle–Continuum Coupling and its Scaling Regimes: Theory and Applications. Advanced Theory and Simulation, 3, 1900232 (2020), 3 (190023). pp. 1-20.

Delle Site, L. and Praprotnik, M. and Bell, John B. and Klein, R. (2020) Particle-Continuum Coupling and its Scaling Regimes: Theory and Applications. Advanced Theory and Applications .

Delle Site, L. and Praprotnik, M. and Bell, John B. and Klein, R. (2020) "Particle-Continuum Coupling and its Scaling Regimes: Theory and Applications". Advanced Theory and Simulations, 3 (5).

Detring, Carola and Müller, Annette and Schielicke, Lisa and Névir, Peter and Rust, Henning W. (2020) Atmospheric blocking types: Frequencies and transitions. European Geosiences Union . pp. 1-33. (Submitted)


Ernst, Oliver and Nobile, Fabio and Schillings, Claudia and Sullivan, Tim (2020) Uncertainty quantification. Oberwolfach Reports, 16 (1). pp. 695-772.


Farshbaf-Shaker, M. Hassan and Thomas, Marita (2020) Analysis of a compressible Stokes-flow with degenerating and singular viscosity. Preprint . pp. 1-45. (Submitted)

Flegel, Franziska and Heida, Martin (2020) The fractional p-Laplacian emerging from homogenization of the random conductance model with degenerate ergodic weights and unbounded-range jumps. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 59 (8). (Unpublished)

Franchi, Bruno and Heida, Martin and Lorenzani, Silvia (2020) A Mathematical model for Alzheimer's disease: An approach via stochastic homogenization of the Smoluchowski equation. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 18 (4). pp. 1105-1134.

Froyland, Gary and Koltai, Péter and Stahn, Martin (2020) Computation and Optimal Perturbation of Finite-Time Coherent Sets for Aperiodic Flows Without Trajectory Integration. SIAM J. APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, 19 (3). pp. 1659-1700.

Funiciello, Francesca and Corbi, Fabio and Heuret, Arnauld and Piromallo, Claudia and Rosenau, Matthias (2020) Empirical Analysis of Global-Scale Natural Data and Analogue Seismotectonic Modelling Data to Unravel the Seismic Behaviour of the Subduction Megathrust. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 . pp. 1-8. ISSN 2296-6463


Garbuno-Inigo, Alfredo and Nüsken, Nikolas and Reich, Sebastian (2020) Affine Invariant Interacting Langevin Dynamics for Bayesian Inference. SIAM J. APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, 19 (3). pp. 1633-1658.

Gerber, S. and Pospisil, L. and Navandar, M. and Horenko, I. (2020) Low-cost scalable discretization, prediction and feature selection for complex systems. Science Advances, 6 (5).

Gräser, C. and Alathur Srinivasan, P. A. (2020) Error bounds for PDE-regularized learning. arXiv:2003.06524 . pp. 1-20. (Submitted)

Gussmann, Pascal and Mielke, Alexander (2020) Linearized elasticity as Mosco-limit of finite elasticity in the presence of cracks. Advances in Calculus of Variations, 13 (1). pp. 1-20.

Guth, Philipp A. and Schillings, Claudia and Weissmann, Simon (2020) Ensemble Kalman filter for neural network based one-shot inversion. . . (Submitted)

Guth, Philipp A. and Schillings, Claudia and Weissmann, Simon (2020) Ensemble Kalman filter for neural network-based one-shot inversion. ArXiv . (Submitted)


Haghdoost, M.R. and Edgington-Mitchell, D. and Nadolski, M. and Klein, R. and Oberleithner, K. (2020) Dynamic Evolution of a Transient Supersonic Trailing Jet Induced by a Strong Incident Shock Wave. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5 (7).

Haghdoost, M.R. and Thethy, B.S. and Nadolski, M. and Klein, R. and Honnery, D. and Hennington- Mitchell, D. and Seo, B. and Oberleithner, K. and Paschereit, O. (2020) Evaluation of Shock Dividers using Numerical and Experimental Methods. In: AIAA SciTech.

Hammerschmidt, M. and Döpking, S. and Matera, S. (2020) Field Heterogeneities and Their Impact on Photocatalysis: Combining Optical and Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations on the Nanoscale. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 5, 3177–3187 Publication Date:January 8, 2020 Copyright © 2020 .

Harikrishnan, A. P. and Ansorge, C. and Klein, R. and Vercauteren, N. (2020) The curious nature of hairpin vortices. Gallery of Fluid Motion. In: 73th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 22, 2020 — November 24, 2020, Chicago, IL Virtual.

Hartmann, C. and Neureither, L. and Sharma, U. (2020) Coarse-graining of non-reversible stochastic differential equations: quantitative results and connections to averaging. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 52 (3). pp. 2689-2733.

Hartmann, Carsten and Neureither, Lara and Sharma, Upanshu (2020) Coarse-graining of non-reversible stochasticdifferential equations: quantitative results and connections to averaging. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 52 (3). pp. 2689-2733. ISSN 0036-1429

Haug, Ø. T. and Rosenau, M. and Rudolf, M. and Leever, K. and Oncken, O. (2020) Variations in runout of rock avalanches controlled by fragmentation, not basal friction. EarthArXiv . pp. 1-11.

Heida, M. and Kornhuber, R. and Podlesny, J. (2020) Fractal homogenization of multiscale interface problems. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 18 (1). pp. 294-314. ISSN 1540-3459

Helfmann, Luzie and Ribera Borrell, Enric and Schütte, Christof and Koltai, Péter (2020) Extending Transition Path Theory: Periodically Driven and Finite-Time Dynamics. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 30 . pp. 3321-3366.

Helfmann, Luzie and Ribera Borrell, Enric and Schütte, Christof and Koltai, Péter (2020) Extending Transition Path Theory: Periodically Driven and Finite-Time Dynamics. Journal of Nonlinear Science . pp. 1-46. ISSN 1432-1467 (online)

Henneke, F. and Lin, L. and Vorwerk, C. and Draxl, C. and Klein, R. and Yang, C. (2020) Fast Optical Absorption Spectra Calculations for Periodic Solid State Systems. Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, 15 (1). pp. 89-113.

Hittmeir, S. and Klein, R. and Li, J. and Titi, E. (2020) Global well-posedness for the primitive equations coupled to nonlinear moisture dynamics with phase changes. Nonlinearity, 33 (7). pp. 3206-3236.

Horenko, I. (2020) On a Scalable Entropic Breaching of the Overtting Barrier for Small Data Problems in Machine Learning. Neural Computation, 32 (8). pp. 1563-1579.

Hufsky, Franziska and Lamkiewicz, Kevin and Almeida, Alexandre and Aouacheria, Abdel and Arighi, Cecilia and Bateman, Alex and Baumbach, Jan and Beerenwinkel, Niko and Brandt, Christian and Cacciabue, Marco and Chuguransky, Sara and Drechsel, Oliver and Finn, Robert D and Fritz, Adrian and Fuchs, Stephan and Hattab, Georges and Hauschild, Anne-Christin and Heider, Dominik and Hoffmann, Marie and Hölzer, Martin and Hoops, Stefan and Kaderali, Lars and Kalvari, Ioanna and von Kleist, Max and Kmiecinski, Renó and Kühnert, Denise and Lasso, Gorka and Libin, Pieter and List, Markus and Löchel, Hannah F and Martin, Maria J and Martin, Roman and Matschinske, Julian and McHardy, Alice C and Mendes, Pedro and Mistry, Jaina and Navratil, Vincent and Nawrocki, Eric P and O’Toole, Áine Niamh and Ontiveros-Palacios, Nancy and Petrov, Anton I and Rangel-Pineros, Guillermo and Redaschi, Nicole and Reimering, Susanne and Reinert, Knut and Reyes, Alejandro and Richardson, Lorna and Robertson, David L and Sadegh, Sepideh and Singer, Joshua B and Theys, Kristof and Upton, Chris and Welzel, Marius and Williams, Lowri and Marz, Manja (2020) Computational strategies to combat COVID-19: useful tools to accelerate SARS-CoV-2 and coronavirus research. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 22 (2). pp. 642-663. ISSN 1467-5463

Husic, Brooke E. and Charron, Nicholas E. and Lemm, Dominik and Wang, Jiang and Pérez, Adrià and Majewski, Maciej and Krämer, Andreas and Chen, Yaoyi and Olsson, Simon and de Fabritiis, Gianni and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia (2020) Coarse graining molecular dynamics with graph neural networks. J. Chem. Phys., 153 (194101). pp. 1-17.

Höfling, F. and Dietrich, S. (2020) Finite-size corrections for the static structure factor of a liquid slab with open boundaries. Journal of Chemical Physics, 153 (5). pp. 1-13.


Juds, Carmen and Schmidt, Johannes and Weller, Michael and Lange, Thorid and Conrad, T. O. F. and Boerner, Hans (2020) Combining Phage Display and Next-generation Sequencing for Materials Sciences: A Case Study on Probing Polypropylene Surfaces. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (24). ISSN 0002-7863

Jäger, Marten (2020) Annotation und Interpretation von Varianten und Polymorphismen im humanen Genom. PhD thesis, Freie Universität Berlin.



Kaiser, A. and Faranda, D. and Krumscheid, S. and Belušić, D. and Vercauteren, N. (2020) Detecting regime transitions of the nocturnal and Polar near-surface temperature inversion. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences . ISSN 0022-4928; eISSN: 1520-0469

Kieninge, Stefanie and Donati, Luca and Keller, Bettina (2020) Dynamical reweighting methods for Markov models. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 61 . pp. 124-131. ISSN 0959-440X

Kies, T. and Gräser, C. and Delle Site, L. and Kornhuber, R. (2020) Free energy computation of particles with membrane-mediated interactions via Langevin dynamics. arXiv:2009.14713 . pp. 1-20. (Submitted)

Kim, J.J. and Kim, J. and Reinert, K. (2020) Vaquita-LR: A new bioinformatics tool for identifying structural variants using long and short reads. In: Abstracts from the 53rd European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference: Interactive e-Posters. In: 53rd European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference, June 6–9, 2020, virtual.

Klebanov, Ilja and Schuster, Ingmar and Sullivan, Tim J. (2020) A Rigorous Theory of Conditional Mean Embeddings. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2 (3). pp. 583-606.

Klebanov, Ilja and Sikorski, Alexander and Schütte, Christof and Röblitz, Susanna (2020) Objective priors in the empirical Bayes framework. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 48 (4). pp. 1212-1233.

Klus, Stefan (2020) Data-driven analysis of complex dynamical systems. Refubium . pp. 1-174.

Klus, Stefan and Nüske, Feliks and Peitz, Sebastian and Niemann, Jan-Hendrik and Clementi, Cecilia and Schütte, Christof (2020) Data-driven approximation of the Koopman generator: Model reduction, system identification, and control. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 406 (132416).

Klus, Stefan and Nüske, Felix and Hamzi, Boumediene (2020) Kernel-Based Approximation of the Koopman Generator and Schrödinger Operator. entropy, 22 .

Koltai, Péter and Weiss, Stephan (2020) Diffusion maps embedding and transition matrix analysis of the large-scale flow structure in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Nonlinearity, 33 (4). p. 1723. ISSN 0951-7715

Koreuber, M. and Mischau, A. (2020) Mathematik: Geschlechterforschung in disziplinären Zwischenräumen. In: Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung. Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, 65 (5). Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 1-19. ISBN ISSN: 2512-0883

Kosari, Ehsan and Rosenau, Matthias and Bedford, Jonathan and Rudolf, Michael and Oncken, Onno (2020) On the relationship between offshore geodetic coverage and slip model uncertainty: Analog megathrust earthquake case studies. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 . pp. 1-15.

Krakau, Sabrina (2020) Statistical models to capture protein-RNA interaction footprints from truncation-based CLIP-seq data. PhD thesis, Freie Universität Berlin.


Lavacchi, Laura and Kappler, Julian and Netz, Roland R. (2020) Barrier crossing in the presence of multi-exponential memory functions with unequal friction amplitudes and memory times. EPL, 131 . pp. 1-8.

Leung, Tsz Yan and Leutbecher, M. and Reich, S. and Shepherd, Th.G. (2020) Impact of the mesoscale range on error growth and the limits to atmospheric predictability. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 77 (11). pp. 3769-3779. ISSN 1520-0469


Mardt, Andreas and Pasquali, Luca and Noé, F. and Wu, Hao (2020) Deep learning Markov and Koopman models with physical constraints. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 107 . pp. 451-475.

Melnyk, Kateryna and Klus, S. and Montavon, Grègoire and Conrad, T. O. F. (2020) Graph Kernel Koopman Embedding for Human Microbiome Analysis. Applied Network Science, 5 (96). ISSN 2364-8228

Mielke, A. and Roubícek, T. (2020) Thermoviscoelasticity in Kelvin-Voigt rheology at large strains. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 238 . pp. 1-45.

Mielke, Alexander and Maas, Jan (2020) Modeling of chemical reaction systems with detailed balance using gradient structures. Journal of Statistical Physics, 181 . pp. 2257-2303.

Mielke, Alexander and Stephan, Artur (2020) Coarse-graining via EDP-convergence for linear fast-slow reaction systems. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 30 (9). pp. 1765-1807.

Mitterwallner, Bernhard G. and Lavacchi, Laura and Netz, Roland R. (2020) Negative friction memory induces persistent motion. Eur Phys J E Soft Matter, 43 (10).

Mitterwallner, Bernhard G. and Schreiber, Christoph and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. and Rädler, Joachim O. (2020) Non- markovian data-driven modeling of single-cell motility. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 101 . ISSN 032408

Mollenhauer, Mattes and Schuster, Ingmar and Klus, Stefan and Schütte, Christof (2020) Singular Value Decomposition of Operators on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Advances in Dynamics, Optimization and Computation . pp. 109-131.

Möller, Jan and Isbilir, Ali and Sungkaworn, Titiwat and Osberg, Brendan and Karathanasis, Christos and Sunkara, Vikram and Grushevskyi, Eugene O. and Bock, Andreas and Annibale, Paolo and Heileman, Mike and Schütte, Christof and Lohse, Martin J. (2020) Single molecule mu-opioid receptor membrane-dynamics reveal agonist-specific dimer formation with super-resolved precision. Nature chemical biology (16). pp. 946-954.

Müller, Annette and Niedrich, Benjamin and Névir, Peter (2020) Three-dimensional potential vorticity structures for extreme precipitation events on the convective scale. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 72 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN (Print) (Online) Journal homepage:

Müller, G. and Thümmler, R. (2020) Lern- und Erfahrungsmöglichkeiten durch Bewegung. Ausgewählte Befunde zu Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. In: Frühkindliche Bildung zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. Neues zur Kindheits- und Familienpädagogik. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim/Basel, pp. 208-222. ISBN 978-3-7799-5218-3


Nagy, E. and Ransiek, A. and Schäfer, M. and Lux, A. and Bergmann, M. and Jahn, T. and Marg, O. and Theiler, L. (2020) Transfer as a reciprocal process: How to foster receptivity to results of transdisciplinary research. Environmental Science and Policy, 104 . pp. 148-160.

Naliboff, J.B. and Glerum, A. and Brune, S.A. and Péron-Pinvidic, G. and Wrona, T. (2020) Development of 3-D Rift Heterogeneity Through Fault Network Evolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (13). ISSN 0094-8276; ESSN: 1944-8007

Netz, Roland R. (2020) Approach to equilibrium and nonequilibrium stationary distributions of interacting many-particle systems that are coupled to different heat baths. Phys. Rev. E, 101 . ISSN 022120

Netz, Roland R. (2020) Mechanisms of Airborne Infection via Evaporating and Sedimenting Droplets Produced by Speaking. Journal Phys. Chem. B, 124 (133). pp. 7093-7101.

Noé, Frank (2020) Machine Learning for Molecular Dynamics on Long Timescales. Machine Learning Meets Quantum Physics . pp. 331-372.

Noé, Frank and Tkatchenko, Alexandre and Müller, Klaus-Robert and Clementi, Cecilia (2020) Machine Learning for Molecular Simulation. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 71 . pp. 361-390.

Ntini, Evgenia and Budach, Stefan and Vang Ørom, Ulf A and Marsico, Annalisa (2020) Predictive modeling of long non-coding RNA chromatin (dis-)association. bioRxiv .

Nüsken, N. and Richter, L. (2020) Solving high-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDEs using neural networks: perspectives from the theory of controlled diffusions and measures on path space. SFB 1114 Preprint in arXiv . pp. 1-40. (Submitted)


Pfeuffer, Julianus and Sachsenberg, Timo and Dijkstra, Tjeerd M. H. and Serang, Oliver and Reinert, Knut and Kohlbacher, Oliver (2020) EPIFANY: A Method for Efficient High-Confidence Protein Inference. Journal of Proteome Research, 19 (3). pp. 1060-1072. ISSN 1535-3893

Pieper, Robert and Dadi, Temesgen H. and Pieper, Laura and Vahjen, Wilfried and Franke, André and Reinert, Knut and Zentek, Jürgen (2020) Concentration and chemical form of dietary zinc shape the porcine colon microbiome, its functional capacity and antibiotic resistance gene repertoire. The ISME Journal, 14 (11). pp. 2783-2793. ISSN 1751-7362


Rams, Mona and Conrad, T. O. F. (2020) Dictionary Learning for transcriptomics data reveals type-specific gene modules in a multi-class setting. Information Technology, 62 (3). ISSN 2196-7032

Ray, Sourav and Sunkara, Vikram and Schütte, Christof and Weber, Marcus (2020) How to calculate pH-dependent binding rates for receptor–ligand systems based on thermodynamic simulations with different binding motifs. Molecular Simulation, 46 (18). pp. 1443-1452.

Ray, Sourav and Sunkara, Vikram and Schütte, Christof and Weber, Markus (2020) How to calculate pH-dependent binding rates for receptor-ligand systems based on thermodynamic simulations with different binding motifs. Molecular Simulation, 46 (18). pp. 1443-1452.

Reinert, Knut and Iliopoulos, Costas S and Alzamel, Mai and Pockrandt, Christopher and Xu, Jinbo (2020) GenMap: ultra-fast computation of genome mappability. Bioinformatics, 36 (12). pp. 3687-3692. ISSN 1367-4803

Renard, Bernhard Y and Reinert, Knut and Seiler, Enrico and Dadi, Temesgen H and Piro, Vitor C (2020) ganon: precise metagenomics classification against large and up-to-date sets of reference sequences. Bioinformatics, 36 (Supple). i12-i20. ISSN 1367-4803

Richter, Lorenz and Boustati, Ayman and Nüsken, Nikolas and Ruiz, Francisco J. R. and Akyildiz, Ömer Deniz (2020) VarGrad: A Low-Variance Gradient Estimator for Variational Inference. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2020 . pp. 1-25. (Submitted)


Sadeghi, Mohsen and Noé, Frank (2020) Large-scale simulation of biomembranes incorporating realistic kinetics into coarse-grained models. Nature Communications, 11 (2951).

Schiefer, Christopher and Bux, Marc and Brandt, Joergen and Messerschmidt, Clemens and Reinert, Knut and Beule, Dieter and Leser, Ulf (2020) Portability of Scientific Workflows in NGS Data Analysis: A Case Study. Other. (Submitted)

Schillings, Claudia and Sprungk, Björn and Wacker, Philipp (2020) On the convergence of the Laplace approximation and noise-level-robustness of Laplace-based Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inverse problems. Numerische Mathematik, 145 . pp. 915-971.

Schillings, Claudia and Sprungk, Björn and Wacker, Philipp (2020) On the convergence of the Laplace approximation and noise-level-robustness of Laplace-based Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inverse problems. Numerische Mathematik, 145 (1). pp. 915-971.

Schlutow, M. and Voelker, G.S. (2020) On strongly nonlinear gravity waves in a vertically sheared atmosphere. Mathematics of Climate and Weather Forecasting, 6 (1). pp. 63-74.

Schlutow, M. and Wahlén, E. (2020) Generalized modulation theory for nonlinear gravity waves in a compressible atmosphere. Mathematics of Climate and Weather Forecasting, 6 (1). pp. 97-112. ISSN 2353-6438 (online)

Schulz, Julius C. F. and Schlaich, Alexander and Heyden, Matthias and Netz, Roland R. and Kappler, Julian (2020) Molecular interpretation of the non-Newtonian viscoelastic behavior of liquid water at high frequencies. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5 .

Schuster, Ingmar and Mollenhauer, Mattes and Klus, Stefan and Muandet, K. (2020) Kernel Conditional Density Operators. In: 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), August 26 - 28, 2020, Online.

Schönhuth, Alexander and Moeinzadeh, M-Hossein and Yang, Jun and Muzychenko, Evgeny and Gallone, Giuseppe and Heller, David and Reinert, Knut and Haas, Stefan and Vingron, Martin (2020) Ranbow: A fast and accurate method for polyploid haplotype reconstruction. PLOS Computational Biology, 16 (5). e1007843. ISSN 1553-7358

Soucek, Ondrej and Heida, Martin and Malek, Josef (2020) On a thermodynamic framework for developing boundary conditions for Korteweg-type fluids. International Journal of Engineering Science, 154 . pp. 1-28.

Stevens, B. and Acquistapace, C. and Hansen, A. and Heinze, R. and Klinger, C. and Klocke, D. and Rybka, H. and Schubotz, W. and Windmiller, J. and Adamidis, P. and Arka, I. and Barlakas, V. and Biercamp, J. and Brueck, M. and Brune, S.A. and Buehler, U. and Burkhardt, U. and Cioni, G. and Costa-Suròs, M. and Crewell, S. and Crüger, T. and Deneke, H. and Friederichs, P. and Henken, C.C. and Hohenegger, C. and Jacob, M. and Jakub, F. and Kalthoff, N. and Köhler, M. and van Laar, T.W. and Li, P. and Löhnert, U. and Macke, A and Madenach, N. and Mayer, B. and Nam, C. and Naumann, A.K. and Peters, K. and Poll, S. and Quaas, J. and Röber, N. and Rochetin, N. and Scheck, L. and Schemann, V. and Schnitt, S. and Senf, F. and Shapkalijevski, M. and Simmer, C. and Singh, S. and Sourdeval, O. and Spickermann, D. and Strandgren, J. and Tessiot, O. and Vercauteren, N. and Vial, J. and Voigt, A. and Zängl, G. and Seifert, A. (2020) The added value of large-eddy and storm-resolving models for simulating clouds and precipitation. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 98 . pp. 395-435. ISSN Online: 2186-9057 Print: 0026-1165

Straube, Arthur V. and Kowalik, Bartosz G. and Netz, Roland R. and Höfling, Felix (2020) Rapid onset of molecular friction in liquids bridging between the atomistic and hydrodynamic pictures. Communications Physics, 3 (126). pp. 1-11.


Viand, R. E. and Höfling, F. and Klein, R. and Delle Site, L. (2020) Open Systems out of Equilibrium: Theory and Simulation. J. Chem. Phys., 153 (10).


Winkelmann, Stefanie and Schütte, Christof (2020) Stochastic Dynamics in Computational Biology. Springer International Publishing.

Witt, Natalie and Andreotti, Sandro and Busch, Anne and Neubert, Kerstin and Reinert, Knut and Tomaso, Herbert and Meierhofer, David (2020) Rapid and Culture Free Identification of Francisella in Hare Carcasses by High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteotyping. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11 . ISSN 1664-302X

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