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Number of items: 56.


Charron, Nicholas E. and Musil, Felix and Guljas, Andrea and Chen, Yaoyi and Bonneau, Klara and Pasos-Trejo, Aldo S. and Venturin, Jacopo and Gusew, Daria and Zaporozhets, Iryna and Krämer, Andreas and Templeton, Clark and Kelkar, Atharva and Durumeric, Alexander E.P. and Olsson, Simon and Pérez, Adrià and Majewski, Maciej and Husic, Brooke E. and Patel, Ankit and Fabritiis, Gianni De and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia (2023) Navigating protein landscapes with a machine-learned transferable coarse-grained model. Preprint . (Unpublished)

Arts, Marloes and Garcia Sattorras, Victor and Huang, Chin-Wei and Zuegner, Daniel and Federici, Marco and Clementi, Cecilia and Noé, Frank and Pinsler, Robert and van den Berg, Rianne (2023) Two for One: Diffusion Models and Force Fields for Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics. JCTC - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 19 . pp. 6151-6159.

Majewski, Maciej and Pérez, Adrià and Thölke, Philipp and Doerr, Stefan and Charron, Nicholas E. and Giorgino, Toni and Husic, Brooke E. and Clementi, Cecilia and Noé, Frank and De Fabritiis, Gianni (2023) Machine Learning Coarse-Grained Potentials of Protein Thermodynamics. Nature Communications, 14 .

Maity, Priyanka and Bittracher, Andreas and Koltai, Péter and Schumacher, Jörg (2023) Collective variables between large-scale states in turbulent convection. Physical Review Research, 5 (3).

Krämer, Andreas and Durumeric, Alexander E.P. and Charron, Nicholas E. and Chen, Yaoyi and Clementi, Cecilia and Noé, Frank (2023) Statistically Optimal Force Aggregation for Coarse-Graining Molecular Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 14 . pp. 3970-3979.

Durumeric, Alexander E.P. and Charron, Nicholas E. and Templeton, Clark and Musil, Félix and Bonneau, Klara and Pasos-Trejo, Aldo S. and Chen, Yaoyi and Kelkar, Atharva and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia (2023) Machine learned coarse-grained protein force-fields: Are we there yet? Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 79 .

Köhler, Jonas and Chen, Yaoyi and Krämer, Andreas and Clementi, Cecilia and Noé, Frank (2023) Flow-Matching: Efficient Coarse-Graining of Molecular Dynamics without Forces. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 19 (3). pp. 942-952.

Yang, Wangfei and Templeton, Clark and Rosenberger, David and Bittracher, Andreas and Nüske, Feliks and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia (2023) Slicing and Dicing: Optimal Coarse-Grained Representation to Preserve Molecular Kinetics. ACS Cent. Sci., 9 (2). pp. 186-196.


Ayaz, Cihan and Tepper, Lucas and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Markovian embedding of generalized Langevin equations with a nonlinear friction kernel and configuration-dependent mass. Turkish Journal of Physics, 46 (6). pp. 194-205.

Brünig, Florian N. and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Pair-Reaction Dynamics in Water: Competition of Memory, Potential Shape, and Inertial Effects. J. Phys. Chem. B, 126 . pp. 1-10.

Musil, Félix and Zaporozhets, Iryna and Noé, Frank and Clementi, Cecilia and Kapil, Venkat (2022) Quantum dynamics using path integral coarse-graining. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157 (18).

Zendehroud, Sina and Netz, Roland R. and Kappler, Julian (2022) Linear Waves at Viscoelastic Interfaces Between Viscoelastic Media. Physical Review Fluids, 7 . pp. 1-32.

Lavacchi, Laura and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Non-Arrhenius barrier crossing dynamics of non-equilibrium non-Markovian systems. Europhysics Letters, 139 (5). pp. 1-7.

Klimek, Anton and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Optimal non-Markovian composite search algorithms for spatially correlated targets. EPL A Letters Journal Exploring The Frontiers of Physics, 139 . pp. 1-8.

Ayaz, Cihan and Scalfi, Laura and Dalton, Benjamin and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Generalized Langevin equation with a nonlinear potential of mean force and nonlinear memory friction from a hybrid projection scheme. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 105 . pp. 1-19.

Brünig, Florian N. and Geburtig, Otto and von Canal, Alexander and Kappler, Julian and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Time-dependent friction effects on vibrational infrared frequencies and line shapes of liquid water. J. Phys. Chem. B, 126 . pp. 1579-1589.

Ayaz, Cihan and Dalton, Benjamin and Netz, Roland R. (2022) Generalized Langevin Equation with a Non-Linear Potential of Mean Force and Non-Linear Friction From a Hybrid Projection Scheme. Preprint . (Unpublished)


Bittracher, Andreas and Moschner, Johann and Koksch, Beate and Netz, Roland R. and Schütte, Christof (2021) Exploring the locking stage of NFGAILS amyloid fibrillation via transition manifold analysis. The European Physical Journal B volume, 94 (195).

Bittracher, Andreas and Mollenhauer, Mattes and Koltai, Péter and Schütte, Christof (2021) Optimal Reaction Coordinates: Variational Characterization and Sparse Computation. ArXiv . pp. 1-36. (Submitted)

Ayaz, Cihan and Tepper, Lucas and Brünig, Florian N. and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. (2021) Non-Markovian modeling of protein folding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (31). pp. 1-7.

Bittracher, Andreas and Schütte, Christof (2021) A probabilistic algorithm for aggregating vastly undersampled large Markov chains. Physica D, 416 . pp. 1-19.

Netz, Roland R. and Eaton, William A. (2021) Estimating computational limits on theoretical descriptions of biological cells. PNAS, 118 . pp. 1-3. ISSN 1091-6490 (online)


Bittracher, Andreas and Klus, Stefan and Hamzi, Boumediene and Koltai, Péter and Schütte, Christof (2020) Dimensionality Reduction of Complex Metastable Systems via Kernel Embeddings of Transition Manifolds. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31 (3). pp. 1-41. ISSN 1432-1467 (online)

Bittracher, Andreas and Klus, Stefan and Hamzi, Boumediene and Koltai, Péter and Schütte, Christof (2020) Dimensionality Reduction of Complex Metastable Systems via Kernel Embeddings of Transition Manifolds. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31 (3).

Mitterwallner, Bernhard G. and Lavacchi, Laura and Netz, Roland R. (2020) Negative friction memory induces persistent motion. Eur Phys J E Soft Matter, 43 (10).

Chowdhary, Suvrat and Moschner, Johann and Mikolajczak, Dorian J. and Becker, Maximilian and Thünemann, Andreas F. and Kästner, Claudia and Klemczak, Damian and Stegemann, Anne-Katrin and Böttcher, Christoph and Metrangolo, Pierangelo and Netz, Roland R. and Koksch, Beate (2020) The Impact of Halogenated Phenylalanine Derivatives on NFGAIL Amyloid Formation. ChemBioChem, 21 . pp. 3544-3554.

Lavacchi, Laura and Kappler, Julian and Netz, Roland R. (2020) Barrier crossing in the presence of multi-exponential memory functions with unequal friction amplitudes and memory times. EPL, 131 . pp. 1-8.

Bittracher, Andreas and Schütte, Christof (2020) A weak characterization of slow variables in stochastic dynamical systems. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 304 . pp. 132-150.

Straube, Arthur V. and Kowalik, Bartosz G. and Netz, Roland R. and Höfling, Felix (2020) Rapid onset of molecular friction in liquids bridging between the atomistic and hydrodynamic pictures. Communications Physics, 3 (126). pp. 1-11.

Mitterwallner, Bernhard G. and Schreiber, Christoph and Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. and Rädler, Joachim O. (2020) Non- markovian data-driven modeling of single-cell motility. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 101 . ISSN 032408

Netz, Roland R. (2020) Approach to equilibrium and nonequilibrium stationary distributions of interacting many-particle systems that are coupled to different heat baths. Phys. Rev. E, 101 . ISSN 022120

Banisch, R. and Trstanova, Z. and Bittracher, A. and Klus, S. and Koltai, P. (2020) Diffusion maps tailored to arbitrary non-degenerate Ito processes. Applied and computational harmonic analysis, 48 (1). pp. 242-265. ISSN 1063-5203, 1096-603X


Klus, Stefan and Husic, Brooke E. and Mollenhauer, Mattes and Noé, Frank (2019) Kernel methods for detecting coherent structures in dynamical data. Chaos, 29 (12).

Kappler, Julian and Hinrichsen, Victor B. and Netz, Roland R. (2019) Non-Markovian barrier crossing with two-time-scale memory is dominated by the faster memory component. The European Physical Journal E, 42 (119). ISSN 1292-8941

Moschner, Johann and Stulberg, Valentina and Fernandes, Rita and Huhmann, Susanne and Leppkes, Jakob and Koksch, Beate (2019) Approaches to Obtaining Fluorinated α-Amino Acids. Chem. Rev. 2019, 119 (18). pp. 10718-10801.

Kowalik, Bartosz G. and Daldrop, Jan O. and Kappler, Julian and Schulz, J.C.F. and Schlaich, Alexander and Netz, Roland R. (2019) Memory-kernel extraction for different molecular solutes in solvents of varying viscosity in confinement. PhysRevE (100). 012126.

Wang, J. and Olsson, S. and Wehmeyer, C. and Perez, A. and Charron, N.E. and de Fabritiis, G. and Noé, F. and Clementi, C. (2019) Machine Learning of coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Force Fields. ACS Cent. Sci., 5 (5). pp. 755-767. ISSN 2374-7943, ESSN: 2374-7951

Kappler, Julian and Noé, Frank and Netz, Roland R. (2019) Cyclization and Relaxation Dynamics of Finite-Length Collapsed Self-Avoiding Polymers. Physical Review Letters, 122 .

Daldrop, Jan O. and Netz, Roland R. (2019) Mass-Dependent Solvent Friction of a Hydrophobic Molecule. J. Phys. Chem. B (123). pp. 8123-8130.


Klus, Stefan and Bittracher, Andreas and Schuster, Ingmar and Schütte, Christof (2018) A kernel-based approach to molecular conformation analysis. Journal of Chemical Physics, 149 (244109).

Bittracher, Andreas and Banisch, Ralf and Schütte, Christof (2018) Data-driven computation of molecular reaction coordinates. J. Chem. Phys., 149 (154103).

Daldrop, J.O. and Kappler, J. and Brünig, F.N. and Netz, R.R. (2018) Butane dihedral angle dynamics in water is dominated by internal friction. PNAS, 20 (115). pp. 5169-5174. ISSN 1091-6490 (online)

Netz, Roland R. (2018) Fluctuation-dissipation relation and stationary distribution of an exactly solvable many-particle model for active biomatter far from equilibrium. J. Chem. Phys., 148 . ISSN 0021-9606, ESSN: 1089-7690

Koltai, P. and Wu, H. and Noé, F. and Schütte, Ch. (2018) Optimal data-driven estimation of generalized Markov state models for non-equilibrium dynamics. Computation, 6(1) (22). ISSN 2079-3197 (online)

Kappler, J. and Daldrop, J.O. and Brünig, F.N. and Boehle, M.D. and Netz, R.R. (2018) Memory-induced acceleration and slowdown of barrier crossing. J. Chem. Phys., 148 (1). 014903.

Hoffmann, Waldemar and Folmert, Kristin and Moschner, Johann and Xing Huang, Xing Huang and von Berlepsch, Hans and Koksch, Beate and Bowers, Michael T. and von Helden, Gert and Pagel, Kevin (2018) NFGAIL Amyloid Oligomers: The Onset of Beta-Sheet Formation and the Mechanism for Fibril Formation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 244−249, 140 . pp. 244-249.

Klus, S. and Nüske, F. and Koltai, P. and Wu, H. and Kevrekidis, I. and Schütte, Ch. and Noé, F. (2018) Data-driven model reduction and transfer operator approximation. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 28 (1). pp. 1-26.


Daldrop, J.O. and Kowalik, B.G. and Netz, R.R. (2017) External Potential Modifies Friction of Molecular Solutes in Water. Phys. Rev. X, 7 (4). 041065.

Polthier, L. (2017) Algebraic Multilevel Methods for Markov Chains. SFB 1114 Preprint in arXiv:1711.04332 . pp. 1-19. (Unpublished)

Bittracher, A. and Koltai, P. and Klus, S. and Banisch, R. and Dellnitz, M. and Schütte, Ch. (2017) Transition manifolds of complex metastable systems: Theory and data-driven computation of effective dynamics. Journal of Nonlinear Science . pp. 1-42. ISSN 1432-1467 (online)


Klus, S. and Schütte, Ch. (2016) Towards tensor-based methods for the numerical approximation of the Perron-Frobenius and Koopman operator. Journal of Computational Dynamics . ISSN 2158-2491

Klus, S. and Koltai, P. and Schütte, Ch. (2016) On the numerical approximation of the Perron-Frobenius and Koopman operator. Journal of Computational Dynamics, 3 (1). pp. 51-79. ISSN 2158-2491

Klus, S. and Gelß, P. and Peitz, S. and Schütte, Ch. (2016) Tensor-based dynamic mode decomposition. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing . ISSN ISSN 1064-8275 (print); 1095-7197 (electronic) (Submitted)

Kornhuber, R. and Yserentant, H. (2016) Numerical Homogenization of Elliptic Multiscale Problems by Subspace Decomposition. Multiscale Model. Simul., 14 (3). pp. 1017-1036. ISSN print: 1540-3459; online: 1540-3467


Enciso, M. and Schütte, Ch. and Delle Site, L. (2015) Influence of pH and sequence in peptide aggregation via molecular simulation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (24). p. 243130. ISSN 0021-9606

Schuster, I. and Strathmann, H. and Paige, B. and Sejdinovic, Dino (2015) Kernel Sequential Monte Carlo. SFB 1114 Preprint in arXiv:1510.03105 . (Submitted)

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