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Number of items: 30.


Mellado, J.- P. and Schmidt, H. and Stevens, B. and Peters, N. (2009) DNS of the turbulent cloud-top mixing layer. In: Advances in Turbulence XII. Springer Proceedings in Physics, Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, September 7-10, 2009, Marburg, Germany , pp. 401-404. ISBN ISBN: 978-3-642-03084-0

Mellado, J.- P. and Stevens, B. and Schmidt, H. and Peters, N. (2009) Analysis of latent heat effects in the cloud-top mixing layer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135 (641). pp. 963-978.

Mellado, J.- P. and Schmidt, H. and Stevens, B. and Peters, N. (2009) Analysis of the cloud top mixing layer using DNS. In: The Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow, 22-24th June 2009, Seoul National University, Korea. (Submitted)

Mellado, J.- P. and Schmidt, H. and Stevens, B. and Peters, N. (2009) Buoyancy reversal in the cloud-top mixing layer. (Submitted)

Jiménez, C. and Schmidt, H. (2009) Numerical simulation of the response of planar flames to acoustic waves. In: Tercera Reunión de la Sección Española del Instituto de Combustión , 21.-22.Mai 2009, Valladolid, Spain. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, H. and Mellado, J.- P. and Peters, N. and Kerstein, A.R. and Stevens, B. (2009) Numerical study of buoyancy reversal in stably stratified flows. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 . (Submitted)

Jiménez, C. and Schmidt, H. (2009) Unsteady response of premixed flames to acoustic pressure pulses under variation of the complexity of the reaction mechanism. In: Fourth European Combustion Meeting (ECM2009), 14 - 17 April 2009, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Bastiaans, R.J.M. and Kerstein, A.R. (2009) A priori Tabulation of Turbulent Flame Speeds via a Combination of a Stochastic Mixing Model and Flamelet Generated Manifolds, Extended to Incorporate Strain Effects. ZIB Report, 09-09 . ISSN 1438-0064

Moeck, J. and Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. and Paschereit, O. C. and Schmidt, H. (2009) A two-way coupling for modeling thermoacoustic instabilities in a flat flame Rijke tube. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32 (1). pp. 1199-1207.


Carqué, G. and Schmidt, H. and Stevens, B. and Klein, R. (2008) Plausibility Check of an Asymptotic Column Model for Deep Convective Clouds. ZIB-Report, 08 (44).

Moeck, J. and Oevermann, M. and Paschereit, O. C. and Klein, R. and Schmidt, H. (2008) Experimental and Numerical investigation of thermoacoustical instabilities in a flat flame burner. In: 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, August 3-8, 2008, Montreal, Canada. (Submitted)

Oevermann, M. and Schmidt, H. and Kerstein, A.R. (2008) HCCI combustion modeling using detailed chemistry coupled to LEM-based advection. Combustion and Flame, 155 . pp. 370-379.

Oevermann, M. and Schmidt, H. and Kerstein, A.R. (2008) Investigation of autoignition under thermal stratification using linear eddy modeling. Combustion and Flame Volume, 155 (3). 370-379 .

Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Bastiaans, R.J.M. and Kerstein, A.R. (2008) Tabulation of turbulent burning rates via a combination of a stochastic mixing model and tabulated chemistry. ZIB Report, 08 (2).

Schmidt, H. and Mellado, J.- P. and Peters, N. and Stevens, B. (2008) Towards a modular superparameterization for Stratocumulus clouds considering unsteady entrainment. In: 4th PAN-GCSS Meeting on "Advances in Modeling and Observing Clouds and Convection", 2-6 June 2008, Toulouse, France.

Schmidt, H. and Mellado, J.- P. and Peters, N. and Stevens, B. (2008) Towards modular front tracking for Stratocumulus clouds considering unsteady entrainment processes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10 .

Mellado, J.- P. and Stevens, B. and Schmidt, H. and Peters, N. (2008) Two-fluid formulation of the cloud-top mixing layer for direct numerical simulation. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics . (Submitted)


Mellado, J.- P. and Stevens, B. and Schmidt, H. and Peters, N. (2007) Buoyancy-reversal in cloud-top mixing layers. Quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society . pp. 1-21.

Schmidt, H. and Veynante, D. and Klein, R. (2007) A Modular Two Scale Capturing/Tracking Scheme for Turbulent Premixed Flames. In: 21th Intl. Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, 2007, Poitiers.

Moeck, J. and Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Paschereit, O. C. and Klein, R. (2007) An asymptotically motivated hyrodynamic-acoustic two-way coupling for modeling thermoacoustic instabilities in a Rijke tube. In: Fourteenth Intl. Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV14), , 9-12 July 2007, Cairns, Australia, (2007).


Schmidt, H. and Klein, R. (2006) Extension of a front capturing/tracking scheme for premixed flames to a novel type of two scale turbulence modeling. In: Proc. SIAM Conference on Numerical Combustion, April 23 - 26, 2006, Granada, Spain.

Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Münch, M. and Klein, R. (2006) Flame Front Capturing/Tracking Methods for Zero Mach Number Combustion. In: 31th Int. Symp. on Combustion, Aug 6-11, 2006, The Combustion Institute, Heidelberg.

Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Münch, M. and Klein, R. (2006) Flame front capturing/tracking schemes for compressible and incompressible reactive flow. TU Delft, The Netherlands , Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD). ISBN 90-9020970-0

Münch, M. and Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. (2006) Numerical Investigation of the Baroclinic Torque in the Context of Smoke Spread. In: 31th Int. Symp. on Combustion, Aug. 6-11, 2006, The Combustion Institute, Heidelberg.

Schmidt, H. and Münch, M. and Klein, R. and Oevermann, M. (2006) A Zero Mach Number Projection Method Coupled To External Acoustics. In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik e.V., March 27-31, 2006, TU-Berlin.


Schmidt, H. and Klein, R. (2005) Flexible flame structure modelling in a flame front tracking scheme. Analysis and Numerics for Conservation Laws . pp. 405-427. ISSN 978-3-540-24834-7 (Print) 978-3-540-27907-5 (Online)

Klein, R. and Schmidt, H. and Carqué, G. and Münch, M. and Oevermann, M. (2005) Mehrskalen-asymptotische Verfahren zur Kontrolle thermoakustischer Prozesse in Brennkammern. In: SFB 557, Teilprojekt B8, 17. März 2005, Berlin. (Unpublished)


Schmidt, H. and Klein, R. (2003) A generalized level-set/in-cell-reconstruction method for accelerating turbulent premixed flames. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 7 (2). 243-267(25).


Schmidt, H. and Klein, R. (2001) Towards a Generalized Level-Set/In-Cell Reconstruction Approach for Accelerating Turbulent Premixed Flames.


Münch, M. and Schmidt, H. and Klein, R. (1999) Tracking Flame Fronts with Dynamic Internal Structure. Modelling of reaction fronts at the interface of mathematics physics and chemistry. Technical Report. Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon, France.

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