Repository: Freie Universität Berlin, Math Department

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Number of items: 23.


Klein, R. and Nadolski, M. and Zenker, C. and Oevermann, M. and Paschereit, C. O. (2024) Pressure gain combustion for gas turbines: Analysis of a fully coupled engine model. ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 147 (2). ISSN Online 1528-8919, Print:0742-4795


Thethy, Bhavraj S. and Haghdoost, M.R. and Kirby, R. and Seo, B. and Nadolski, M. and Zenker, C. and Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. and Oberleithner, K. and Edgington-Mitchell, D. (2022) Diffraction of shock waves through a non-quiescent medium. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 944 .


Waidmann, M. and Gerber, S. and Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. (2017) Building Blocks for a Strictly Conservative Generalized Finite Volume Projection Method for Zero Mach Number Two-Phase Flows. In: Transport Processes at Fluidic Interfaces. Springer International Publishing AG, pp. 93-119.


Waidmann, M. and Gerber, S. and Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. (2014) A Conservative Coupling of Level-Set, Volume-of-Fluid and Other Conserved Quantities. In: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII Methods and Theoretical Aspects. Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 77 . Springer , pp. 457-465. ISBN 978-3-319-05683-8

Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. (2014) An asymptotic solution approach for elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients. Journal of Computational Physics, 261 . pp. 230-243.

Gerber, S. and Oevermann, M. (2014) A two dimensional Euler–Lagrangian model of wood gasification in a charcoal bed – Part I: model description and base scenario. Science Direct, 115 . pp. 385-400.


Münch, M. and Gerber, S. and Oevermann, M. (2013) Analyse von verschiedenen Verbrennungsmodellen im Hinblick auf Brandsimulationen in praktischen Geoemtrien. In: 3. Magdeburger Brand- und Explosionsschutztag, 21./22. März 2013, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg.


Oevermann, M. and Scharfenberg , C. and Klein, R. (2009) A sharp interface finite volume method for elliptic equations on Cartesian grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 228 (14). pp. 5184-5206.

Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Bastiaans, R.J.M. and Kerstein, A.R. (2009) A priori Tabulation of Turbulent Flame Speeds via a Combination of a Stochastic Mixing Model and Flamelet Generated Manifolds, Extended to Incorporate Strain Effects. ZIB Report, 09-09 . ISSN 1438-0064

Moeck, J. and Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. and Paschereit, O. C. and Schmidt, H. (2009) A two-way coupling for modeling thermoacoustic instabilities in a flat flame Rijke tube. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32 (1). pp. 1199-1207.


Moeck, J. and Oevermann, M. and Paschereit, O. C. and Klein, R. and Schmidt, H. (2008) Experimental and Numerical investigation of thermoacoustical instabilities in a flat flame burner. In: 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, August 3-8, 2008, Montreal, Canada. (Submitted)

Oevermann, M. and Schmidt, H. and Kerstein, A.R. (2008) HCCI combustion modeling using detailed chemistry coupled to LEM-based advection. Combustion and Flame, 155 . pp. 370-379.

Oevermann, M. and Schmidt, H. and Kerstein, A.R. (2008) Investigation of autoignition under thermal stratification using linear eddy modeling. Combustion and Flame Volume, 155 (3). 370-379 .

Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Bastiaans, R.J.M. and Kerstein, A.R. (2008) Tabulation of turbulent burning rates via a combination of a stochastic mixing model and tabulated chemistry. ZIB Report, 08 (2).


Moeck, J. and Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Paschereit, O. C. and Klein, R. (2007) An asymptotically motivated hyrodynamic-acoustic two-way coupling for modeling thermoacoustic instabilities in a Rijke tube. In: Fourteenth Intl. Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV14), , 9-12 July 2007, Cairns, Australia, (2007).


Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. (2006) A cartesian grid finite volume method for the solution of the Poisson equation with variable coefficients and embedded interfaces. Journal of Computational Physics, 219 (2). 749-769 .

Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. (2006) A cartesian grid finite volume method for the solution of the Poisson equation with variable coefficients and embedded interfaces. JCP .

Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Münch, M. and Klein, R. (2006) Flame Front Capturing/Tracking Methods for Zero Mach Number Combustion. In: 31th Int. Symp. on Combustion, Aug 6-11, 2006, The Combustion Institute, Heidelberg.

Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Münch, M. and Klein, R. (2006) Flame front capturing/tracking schemes for compressible and incompressible reactive flow. TU Delft, The Netherlands , Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD). ISBN 90-9020970-0

Münch, M. and Schmidt, H. and Oevermann, M. and Klein, R. (2006) Numerical Investigation of the Baroclinic Torque in the Context of Smoke Spread. In: 31th Int. Symp. on Combustion, Aug. 6-11, 2006, The Combustion Institute, Heidelberg.

Schmidt, H. and Münch, M. and Klein, R. and Oevermann, M. (2006) A Zero Mach Number Projection Method Coupled To External Acoustics. In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik e.V., March 27-31, 2006, TU-Berlin.


Klein, R. and Schmidt, H. and Carqué, G. and Münch, M. and Oevermann, M. (2005) Mehrskalen-asymptotische Verfahren zur Kontrolle thermoakustischer Prozesse in Brennkammern. In: SFB 557, Teilprojekt B8, 17. März 2005, Berlin. (Unpublished)


Helling, Ch. and Oevermann, M. and Lüttke, M. J. H. and Klein, R. (2001) Dust in Brown Dwarfs I. Dust formation under turbulent conditions on microscopic scales. Astronomy & Astrophysics, - (), 376 . pp. 194-212.

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